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Emotive Productions

  • synopses
  • under pandemic skies
  • SARS-CoV-2 patient


    Under Pandemic Skies canvasses the effects of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) virus, or CoVid-19, currently sweeping the planet, which has shut down economies and overwhelmed the health systems of countries throughout the world.

    While the virus mutates, for many it is a death sentence but quite possibly, as concerns about the environment, population and logistics intertwine, we may find opportunities, in changing our business-as-usual approach, to the world.

    The origins of the virus may well be in dispute, but one thing is clear, animals are involved and the conditions in which they are kept and sold, are inhumane, notwithstanding a black trade in animals and animal products.


    The idea that a virus could be engineered to replicate, without any input from the natural world, misses the point that for a new host, a virus will mutate, to become less lethal over time, due to adaptations of variants that supplant a dominant strain.


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