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Emotive Productions

  • synopses
  • the crystal sea
  • Tsunami on Japan coast


    The Crystal Sea is an account of what is likely, the worlds' worst nuclear disaster to date but is one which is not yet fully quantified, in terms of its' effects on the planet or its' inhabitants, as well as marine life.

    While tectonic activity is an ever-present danger, where safety concerns run secondary to industrial interests, the lives of people and their future health, as well as the health of their descendants, is compromised.

    The requirement for energy self-sufficiency has driven a country to build nuclear reactors in unstable locations, using designs that are counter to safe operation, and which were originally made for more stable locations.


    That countries cannot share energy generation and distribution, as a force for economic development, merely accentuates already existing feelings of animosity, which were present long before the climate began its' trajectory of irreversible change.


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