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Emotive Productions

  • synopses
  • nameless in exile
  • Asylum Seekers


    Nameless in Exile discusses the conquest of native tribes, by western peoples, in contrast to people from the East, invading western societies and describes the attitudes expressed by some countries regarding historical accounts, whereby the suppositions of others are not condoned.

    Whilst the new world has been readily conquered and exploited during the past millennia, the old world is now suffering a humanitarian crisis, not known in our time for the want of being able to adequately subsist.

    Persons having access to housing or land does not guarantee a stable existence, in particular in countries where war and corruption are rife or where ethnic rivalries exist that may or may not cross borders.


    Due to the prevalence of communications and media, people will inevitably seek to improve their lot, with technology allowing those with little or no access to money, to gain a glimpse into the lives of others, of whom they would like to emulate.


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